MRH joins Rural on the Road
Midlands Rural Housing has been helping the National Housing Federation to develop a 5-star plan to increase the delivery of affordable rural homes.
Director, Craig Felts, along with other officers, took part in the Rural on the Road event which was hosted by emh group on 25th April.
The NHF is holding a series of events across the country to consult on the plan at a local level and discuss with housing associations how it can be delivered.
“The 5-star plan is vital as it’s about making sure rural areas get their fair share of Government resources to develop much needed affordable homes,” said Craig Felts. “It also outlines how projects should be delivered with local consultation, how development must meet local needs and how the social and economic benefits of affordable housing need to be recognised.
“We were able to provide a lot of valuable feedback regarding the development of the plan, as well as discussing the barriers facing its delivery and how these could be overcome.”
Around 30 representatives from local authorities and housing associations attended the event, along with rural housing enablers from across the East and West Midlands. Rural on the Road is aiming to encourage housing providers to sign up to the 5 point plan which will form a rural strand to the NHF’s “Ambition to Deliver” vision for the future.